Smooth Artist Interviews

Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott
Gregory Abbott

What inspires you to do what you do?

I love observing the interesting stories that unfold as I watch people interact in the process of being themselves. I learn a lot. I take it all in, interpret it, create a song, and then put it out there for the fans and listen for the response as to how it impacts them. This is a wonderful process for me, and I feel that we all evolve as a result of this back-and-forth communication.

How would you finish this sentence? “I don’t like to go a day without_________?

I don’t like to go a day without meditating and being mindful of the direction I want to travel. Eating well, exercising and setting positive thoughts for what I want to accomplish for the day. Last, but probably most important, is to pray and commune with my angels and make sure they know that I'm grateful.

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy composing music?

I'd say a full 10, except maybe I'd give it a 9 if I ran into technological equipment problems lol. Composing is my favorite part of the music business. I actually got my start as a songwriter.

Outside of your musical career, what else in your life gets you excited and fulfilled?

Reading enlightening books on things like sustainability, personal empowerment and spiritual development. Watching good documentaries, spending time with family and working on healthier and closer relationships. I also happen to have a great affinity for water and I spend a lot of time boating in and around the San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean. I’ve met some fascinating people through boating and have always felt it encourages a certain sense of community.

What would you say has been the biggest influence in your life in getting you to where you are
now in your career?

Focusing inward and concentrating on those things that I love to do and had a natural passion for. That, and being fortunate enough to meet some wonderful people. Also, working hard at learning and taking seriously the fundamentals of my craft.

What’s your absolute favorite part of the World, and why?

I have many favorite places but two come to mind. I love the Caribbean Island of Antigua for its sense of grounding, deep culture and peace (my father is from Antigua). I appreciate the underlying culture of "one love" throughout the Caribbean. One love refers to the universal love and respect expressed by all people for all people, regardless of race, creed, or color. In my father’s family alone, there is every skin color and hair texture you can imagine. I also like the San Francisco Bay Area for its diversity, intellectual stimulation and beauty. And I love the mist. I have allergies and the mist cleans the air... plus, it is very romantic.